Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics https://chwe.net/irle/letter/ As economists, our chief concern is that the article attempts to use the language of economics to make historical claims that have no basis in evidence. (経済学者としての私たちの主な関心事は、この論文が経済学の言葉を使用して、何の根拠もない歴史的主張をしようとして いることです。)
竹内幹 | 経済学者。一橋大学経済学研究科・准教授。
Letter by Concerned Economists Regarding “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War” in the International Review of Law and Economics
As economists, our chief concern is that the article attempts to use the language of economics to make historical claims
that have no basis in evidence.