West brave「I came to give you "Yoshuku". Rookie Kill-is-key, do you know what this means?」アーカイブ
West brave「I came to give you "Yoshuku". Rookie Kill-is-key, do you know what this means?」
Rookie Kill-is-key「……」
Eat in「No, he won't understand!(Assault West)」
West brave「"Yoshuku" is the process of attracting reality by celebrating and rejoicing in the future. But there is one thing that you are not able to do in this ritual. Understand? Tell and Vava」
Tell and Vava「I do not understand」
West brave「Mr Eat-in, do you know what that means?」
Eat in「There is only one!We're training to championship, right? But i think this is out of training.(show the letters "Douage" written on the shirt)Let's tossed boss into the air! Is it OK? This is a"Yoshuku"!」
Rookie Kill-is-key「……」
Eat in「No, he won't understand!(Assault West)」
West brave「"Yoshuku" is the process of attracting reality by celebrating and rejoicing in the future. But there is one thing that you are not able to do in this ritual. Understand? Tell and Vava」
Tell and Vava「I do not understand」
West brave「Mr Eat-in, do you know what that means?」
Eat in「There is only one!We're training to championship, right? But i think this is out of training.(show the letters "Douage" written on the shirt)Let's tossed boss into the air! Is it OK? This is a"Yoshuku"!」